On page optimization

What are internal links and how are they related to a correct architecture of a website




What are internal links and how are they related to a correct architecture of a website

Let's start things off by defining the internal links: Their role is to link a page from a website to another address, belonging to the same domain. Usually, these addresses are website pages, but they can also represent links to media files, download links, and many others. In order to optimize the structure of a…

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The most common SEO technical problems that could affect your ranking




The most common SEO technical problems that could affect your ranking

Year by year, the companies and businesses that want to make a stand in the online market invest a lot of money on SEO services. Moreover, if we talk about an oversaturated market, the prices grow directly proportional to how difficult is to overcome the competition. That’s why your investment should always reflect the…

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The importance of using meta tags in SEO




The importance of using meta tags in SEO

Meta tags are used by Google in so many ways and we don’t even know them all. All we know is that the search engines use them in order to find out more information about the websites they index. Are meta tags still useful in 2018? Google states that meta tags are not a factor that determines the ranking. However, it’s…

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The importance of internal links in SEO




The importance of internal links in SEO

SEO is based on two major strategies that you must follow if you want to rank in Google as you want. There is no doubt, these strategies are the on-page optimization and the backlinks building. The first one allows you to optimize the website according to those keywords that are important to your business. This way, you…

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How to SEO your dropshipping business




How to SEO your dropshipping business

If you are a dropshipping market owner, then you should know that the most important thing you must do before creating your web page is to do a proper search engine optimization for your business. Dropshipping markets usually meet different obstacles than traditional markets, so it’s important to read this article…

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On-page SEO optimization: a complete guide




On-page SEO optimization: a complete guide

Reaching a top position on search engines isn't quite the most simple thing in the world. Google becomes more and more "intelligent" every day, so you need much more than good content to surpass your competitors. On-page SEO optimization is one of the first steps you have to take, in order to propel your site towards the…

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