The digital revolution – it's time for Facebook optimization




The digital revolution – it's time for Facebook optimization

The most appreciated social network in the entire world, Facebook, has made, on 22 October 2015, an announcement that will last in the history – search extension, beyond friend's posts and liked pages.

In other words, the network launched by Zuckenberg will allow us searches like the ones performed on Google, the most used search engine in the entire world. So, Facebook searches will generate millions of results, like in Google’s case. So now we can talk about a company or a brand’s Facebook page optimization.

In the presentation made in October last year, Mark Zuckenberg has specified that now the Facebook “search engine” can generate over 2 trillion of posts, thanks to the enhancements of this platform.

This update focuses on the following changes:

  • You can identify new discussions on a subject that has a link

  • Facebook searching results include public posts – inasmuch as they are relevant for searches

  • Search improvement suggestions - that will be more dynamic and will appear in the search box as a predictive text.

Of all listed issues, the one that attracts more attention is the second - Facebook searching results include public posts – aimed for providing the most relevant information related to the search request.

Digital strategists, however, warn us not to trust too much in Facebook Search, more because the company from Palo Alto keeps the algorithms secret. But, despite Google, Facebook’s algorithm changes are easier to anticipate, especially because in the case of Facebook, once new functions appear, the information is “leaking on the Internet”. So, during the 2015 launching, Mark Zuckenberg drew attention on two essential aspects:

  • Facebook Search is impossible to be predicted – because there is a huge probability that the obtained results will be returned depending on the relation that a user has with a page, the number of likes received by a page from his friends or friends of friends.

  • Facebook Search is based more on the “exact match” - because Facebook can't make a difference between two similar words till a certain point, like blogging with blog, unlike Google. Although they have the same root, for Facebook will be hard to return the results that will make the difference between the two.

Is it essential to optimize your Facebook page?

Although we are SEO optimization strategists, we can’t conclude anything yet. But we will offer you, immediately, some advice that will help you. According to the future popularity this Facebook facility will gain, we could assist to a huge company and people posting increase, whose purpose will be to appear as higher as possible in top searches.

Optimize the Facebook page, but be the first that interacts

As we said earlier, SEO optimization is a complex process that requires solid knowledge about the changes of Google algorithms, knowing the trends, having experience, a lot of work and large quantities of ambition.

The SEO optimization and Social Media promotion are about becoming a brand. Why? Because in establishing the search positions, Google takes into account the links provided by Twitter and Facebook. And because of the continuous development of Zuckenberg’s network attracts more users (in present, over 800 million), it’s the best platform for gaining huge exposure, conducting to rapid, effective and clear promotion of the products/services you company your offers.

A brand’s Facebook page is a declaration of what its target audience has to gain, the one that will offer them only quality information, that he tries to take closer to customers its products or services, for it to be experimented, and then share the opinions in a new created community. Moreover, a correct optimized Facebook page offers a very good image about the company, but it is also the identity and distinction element between the business you own and your competition.

To optimize a Facebook page means to give up communicating and start interacting, socializing with your fans. To eliminate the barriers of a too formal communication, that no one understands and likes and to become a friend with the members of the community you've built.

Because at iAgency, interactive agency with more than 10 years of experience, we like to interact effectively to become visible, credible and known, we can do this for your business too. The Facebook page optimization guarantees that your message can't be ignored. A correct company Facebook page optimization means a strategy that has in the center of the attention a very good structured and organized website, with a very good information architecture, a balance between image-text-video and the best content.

Our strategists team is formed by ex-journalists with experience and contacts, so we can help you with the best copywriting services. We are here so that you get a real, quality presence, with targeted messages, using the relevant keywords for your business or activity domain.

What does a brand’s Facebook page optimization mean?

  • Choosing the right name for your Facebook page, with an URL that contains the brand’s name and at least a relevant keyword – a truly optimized brand on Facebook, has a Facebook page like As long it’s well structured, you will have a community of people that will become adepts of your brand because they find out immediately who you are after they like your page. In addition, the name makes the difference between having hundreds of likes or just dozens if it appears like Unlike SEO optimization, that must contain as many keywords as possible for a greater effectiveness, for the Facebook page optimization it’s enough to mention just the name of the company and one keyword, in a simple and short description.

  • The ABOUT section – here you must complete optimized information about the company, the name, the date of establishment, the relevant keywords for your business or activity domain, a motto, a short history, the mission and your vision. Moreover, you can complete this section with what you think it's important so you detach yourself from the competitors.

  • Landing page – what users first see when they access your company’s page. A correctly optimized Facebook page contains, in this category, the information that a network user obtains if he becomes a fan of your company.

  • The received likes increase your visibility on Facebook – because it's a way of obtaining more internal links.

  • Multiple source likes to your Facebook page – are obtained through comments, adds, blog posts or posts on different websites. They have the main objective to increase the reputation of the Facebook page, but they will be also considered quality links.

  • SEO optimized texts – because the Facebook network is the ideal place for social interaction, you must post on your page on a daily basis using relevant keywords, but with moderation, in order to avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Engage and interact with your fans – it’s an important element in Facebook’s page optimization. Because the users are expecting you to initiate discussions, to answer to their questions, suggestions and messages. A very good solution could be to create quizes on different subjects.

  • Multimedia optimization – it’s all about videos. If you want to have success with a Facebook’s page optimization, offer them powerful titles, using the main keywords.

  • Notes, another important category in a Facebook page optimization process – you can include ideas that deserve to be shared, experiences, descriptive articles about your products/services.

  • Don't forget about the local optimization – completing the address and a link to Google Maps will ensure you a place in Facebook searches, depending the search locations as “nearby”.

    Very important! Make Edge Rank your friend! It's the Facebook's algorithm that determine, in real time, how, when and if a post appears in the recent news feed of the user.

For an effective Facebook's page optimization, you can call iAgency, interactive agency, with more than 10 years of experience, that offers this service, but also website SEO optimization, copywriting, web design strategies and many more. Don't hesitate to contact us!