Are you an online entrepreneur? How will SEO change in 2018




Are you an online entrepreneur? How will SEO change in 2018

If you have an online business that managed to reach top-ranking positions in Google this year, in 2018 it's important to be up to date with the newest trends in SEO. As an online entrepreneur, it's important to keep up with the latest updates the search engines have made to their algorithms and to avoid using old SEO techniques, for which Google can penalize your site. Therefore, if you want your site to occupy high-ranking positions in SERP next year too, here are some of the trends in SEO in 2018:


1. The SEO basics will stay the same


Undoubtedly, Google will still be the most popular search engine in 2018. Google's mission was, is and will be to offer users the most relevant results when they conduct a search. Therefore, next year, just like 2017, the emphasis will be on quality content. As an online entrepreneur in 2018, you will have to emphasize on the following aspects of the SEO strategy:


- on-page optimization of your site;


- a solid profile of quality backlinks;


- optimizing your site for mobile;


- fast loading pages;


- a quality and relevant content for users (both on-page and off-page);


- a smart integration of keywords in your content, and avoiding keyword stuffing.


2. An increase in voice searches


The well-known SEO techniques remain valid, but this doesn't mean 2018 will not bring new trends. Therefore, we advise you to take into consideration voice searches. This trend was anticipated this year, with 20% of Google searches being voice searches, especially from mobile devices. This trend led to the birth of new devices, called smart speakers, meant to facilitate voice searches. The release of Google Home and Amazon Alexa are a clear sign that the percentage of voice searches will increase in 2018.


The increase in voice searches will have a significant impact on the way marketers will build their SEO strategy in 2018. The content has to adapt to the new trends, implying a more direct and personal communication, which should mimic the natural language, used in day to day conversations.


3. Direct answers from Google


As its algorithms started to resemble artificial intelligence, Google developed the capacity to offer direct answers to complex questions, through its so-called informative snippets. For example, if you ask “How to make a cherry cake?” or “How to install Windows 7?”, Google will display a text box on top of other results, in which it will offer the answer to your question. Sometimes, the answer is explanatory enough, while sometimes you have to access the first link and search for more information on the website from which Google took the information. Anyway, it's clear that Google will favor in SERP those sites whose content can directly answer questions such as “How to...?”.


4. Google will emphasize on user experience indicators


In order for your site to offer a positive experience to users, you will have to keep in mind the following aspects while developing your 2018 SEO strategy:


- navigation has to be easy and user-friendly;


- the content has to be visually attractive;


- the users have to easily find any information they are interested in;


- as little pop-up ads as possible;


- a simple layout, which shouldn't distract users from the content;


- using call-to-action phrases, which should convince users to interact with the site's elements.


5. The mobile version of the site becomes a priority


During the last years, SEO experts have emphasized the importance of optimizing your site's mobile version. If you took this advice into account, you have nothing to worry about regarding your SEO strategy for 2018.


However, entrepreneurs that don't have a mobile-friendly site could experience problems next year, because Google will most likely release a “Mobile-first Index”, which means mobile versions of sites will have priority in SERP. Even if this isn't officially confirmed yet, why risk to have your site outrun? Make mobile optimization your goal for the 2018 SEO strategy!


6. High-quality video content, more and more appreciated in online


Both Google and Facebook put more and more emphasis on video content. If you have the necessary budget, top-quality video content can determine a significant growth of traffic on your site. One of the trends in SEO in 2018 is intertextuality, which means combining relevant written content with high-quality audio/video content.


7. Visual search innovation


Visual search is a fascinating domain in online, being in full development. Combining the technological innovations and user experience, visual searches represent the newest trend in SEO.


Search engines start to explore the potential of visual search in-depth. Most of the key players online, such as Bing, Pinterest, and Google have already invested in the research and development of visual search engines.

Therefore, in order to be ready for the moment when visual searches will explode, marketers should put more emphasis on visual content, in their 2018 SEO strategy.


It looks like SEO will have an interesting evolution in 2018. Although the SEO basics remain the same, the 2018 trends will have a significant influence on the way we understand what SEO will stand for in the future.